Kuna History Center
329 Main Street
Hours: Closed
Mailing Address:
1577 N Linder Rd, Box 165
Kuna, Idaho 83634
Contact: Dave Lyon
Phone: (208) 861-9131
President: vacant
Vice President: Barbara Charles
Secretary: Dave Lyon
Treasurer: Jackie Lyon
To Find Answers to the Following Questions
Visit the Kuna History Center at 415 2nd St
Open 11 am to 2 pm Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday
Where was the Kuna Train Depot Located?
When was the Depot Built?
When and Why was it Removed?
When was the Kuna Water Tower and Tank Built
and How Much did it Cost?
Is it still in use today?
What do the three Kuna Schools below
have in common?
Why could we call two of them "snake bit"?
Visit with us to find these answers and more!
